
en testautomatisering


Devops en Scrum

Business Analysis

en Data Analytics

Every product and every service development start with requirements. What are requirements? Many teams struggle with how to elicit requirements, discover what is truly needed and how to manage this information throughout the product or service life cycle.

BCS Requirements Engineering teaches you how to work with requirements independently whether you work agile or use more traditional approaches.

During this 3-day course you will learn what is Requirements Engineering and how to apply it in plan-based and empirical-based initiatives. You will learn and apply numerous techniques to elicit, analyze and document requirements. You will use models to check consistency of your requirements.

This course ends with an exam that leads to Practitioner Certificate in Requirements Engineering from the British Computer Society (BCS).


Day 1

  • Introduction to Requirements Engineering
  • Hierarchy of Requirements
  • Stakeholders in the Requirements Process
  • Requirements Elicitation

Day 2

  • Requirements Elicitation cont.
  • Use of models in Requirements Engineering
  • Requirements Documentation
  • Requirements Analysis

Day 3

  • Requirements Validation
  • Requirements Management
  • Exam

At the end of the third day delegates will take the exam.


This is an open-book exam during which you have to apply the requirements engineering techniques to a given business scenario. The exam takes 75 minutes for native English speakers and 90 minutes for non-native English speakers.

The pass mark is 60%.

Positive exam result will award delegates with the BCS Practitioner Certificate in Requirements Engineering.

Target Audience

The course is designed for people who want to learn how to elicit, analyse, validate, document and manage requirements. It presents an end-to-end requirements engineering framework supported by tools and techniques that you may use at different stages. You learn how to produce well-formed, high-quality requirements that are crucial to delivering quality products.

This course is suitable for business analysts, business managers and members of their team, business change managers and project managers.


Duur: 3 dagen
Deelnemers: 12
Niveau Advanced
Prijs € 1.695
Examenkosten € 225
Taal Nederlands of Engels
Incl. Lunch ja
Examen optioneel
Incompany ja
BTW alle prijzen zijn exclusief BTW
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