
en testautomatisering


Devops en Scrum

Business Analysis

en Data Analytics

International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA) is an independent non-profit professional association serving the growing field of business analysis. IIBA assists business analysts by, among others, defining standards for business analysis through the creation of “A Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge”® (BABOK® Guide), a summary of the knowledge within the BA profession, reflecting current generally accepted practices.


The workshop is conducted in an interactive atmosphere where you can explore the key concepts and knowledge areas of BABOK® and relate them to your own working environment. During the workshop you will have a variety of short interactive brainstorm sessions and exercises to encourage discussion on your own projects and to relate them to the BABoK v3 content.


During this training you will learn:
  • To check your existing knowledge against generally accepted practices collated in BABoK and be able to identify potential knowledge and skill gaps that can be addressed with further focused self-study.


The training days run from 9 am to 5 pm, including a break. In this professional and practice-oriented training the following topics are covered:
  • Introduction to BABoK and Business Analysis Core Concept Model (BACCM)
  • Strategy Analysis
  • Requirements Analysis and Design Definition
  • Solution Evaluation
  • Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring
  • Elicitation and Collaboration
  • Requirement Lifecycle Management
  • Underlying competencies
  • Closure

Target Audience

This workshop is relevant to anyone perfoming business analysis activities or responsible for the business analysis practice.


Duur: 1 dag
Cursusprijs: € 495
Totaalprijs: € 495
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